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Ernest Jones
Ernest Jones
Up to 2 miles per £1

Ernest Jones

When will I get my miles?

Tracked within i5 day(s)
Awarded within i105 day(s)
You will receive a lower reward on Sale products. No rewards given on TAG Heuer, Omega, Breitling, Bremont, Zenith, Michael Kors Access & Cleaning Products, AT, p&p, gift packaging and engraving service. Rewards not given on Interest Free Credit orders.

Rewards are not calculated on postage / handling / delivery costs or associated purchase taxes in your region (This may include but not be limited to VAT, GST etc).

About Ernest Jones

Ernest Jones is the perfect shopping destination for beautiful gold and silver jewellery and a breathtaking collection of high-quality diamonds. You'll also find an outstanding selection of fashion, luxury and sports watches from prestigious brands. With more than 1,700 products to choose from you'll be spoilt for choice. You'll also find expert buyers guides and features on the latest styles and trends.

Ernest Jones stocks some of the world's most prestigious and sought after luxury watch brands, such as TAG Heuer, Gucci, Emporio Armani, Rado, Omega, Dreyfuss & Co and Longines to name just a few.