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Serenata Flowers
Serenata Flowers
6 miles per £1

Serenata Flowers

When will I get my miles?

Tracked within i5 day(s)
Awarded within i105 day(s)
You will earn a lower reward when using a voucher code.

Rewards are not calculated on postage / handling / delivery costs or associated purchase taxes in your region (This may include but not be limited to VAT, GST etc).

About Serenata Flowers

Blooms, baskets, arrangements and gorgeous bouquets – we have been sending flowers in UK online since 2003. At Serenata Flowers, an established British online florist, we are helping you turn everyday moments into memorable floral occasions full of joy and cheer thanks to fresh flowers. If you need flowers to order online in the UK, be it London or Glasgow, you can count on us to deliver both beautiful flower bouquets and a smile.

We source fresh flowers from growers and farms all over the world to bring you the best quality, freshest stems and blooms at the best possible prices. Our beautiful flower bouquets are handcrafted by our own professional UK florists and delivered by a courier. Express your emotions and sentiments on occasions like birthday, anniversary or birth of new baby with a handcrafted bouquet, sent with love. Let roses, lilies, anemones, freesia or carnations whisper the sweet sentiments that words cannot describe. Sending flowers in UK is now both affordable and convenient, thanks to florists online like Serenata Flowers.