こちらが ページ Expedia Hotels 提携ショップ
Expedia Hotels
Expedia Hotels
3 マイル / £1
2 マイル / £1
オファーの有効期限が切れます 09/03/2025

Expedia Hotels


範囲内で追跡 i5 日
以内に受賞 i105 日
Stated reward is for hotel purchases only, no rewards given on cottage stays or package holidays. Your reward will be approved 90-120 days after your stay. If a voucher code is used, your reward will be cancelled. Queries can only be investigated up to 3 months after your booking (stay) is complete. Flight purchases will receive a different reward.

Rewards are not calculated on postage / handling / delivery costs or associated purchase taxes in your region (This may include but not be limited to VAT, GST etc).

について Expedia Hotels

Whether you know exactly what you trip you want, need ideas, or want help narrowing down your search, Expedia.co.uk makes it easy to find the holiday that is right for you. Launched in November 1998, Expedia.co.uk is the award winning, largest online travel agent in the UK serving millions of travellers every year. At your finger tips are:

* Millions of published and discounted fares on over 450 airlines
* A directory of more than 80,000 accommodation properties world-wide and 4 million rooms
* Car hire from the top rental companies
* Build-your-own holiday packaging technology
* A choice of pre-package holidays

We also provide in depth destination guides and maps, holiday insurance, and a comprehensive travel information service with a free online newsletter.