Here is the How it works
1. Log In
how it works: step 1
Sign in to your account before you begin shopping
2. Shop Online
how it works: step 2
Click through and shop with our selected stores
3. Earn miles
how it works: step 3
Collect miles for every £1 you spend
  1. Log in

    Log in to using your Account details before you begin your shopping journey with stores. If you have not logged in, you may browse the website and you will be prompted to log in to your Account when you choose to shop with our partner brands.

    Not a member? Sign up here.

  2. Shop online

    You can choose from a variety of stores to earn miles for shopping, dining, grocery, health and beauty, leisure and entertainment, sports and more. Upon selecting the store you will be redirected to the merchant website to browse and complete your purchase. Your purchases will be tracked automatically via cookies to calculate how many miles you’ll earn.

  3. Earn miles

    Upon successful completion of your purchase with the merchant, your miles will appear in the ‘My purchases’ section as ‘Pending’ within 5 working days. If you don’t see the ‘Pending’ transaction, please contact us within 90 days. Miles will be credited to your Account once purchase is approved by respective merchant and the status will be changed to ‘Approved’.

    This takes up to 45 days (or 90 to 120 days from the last day of your stay on hotel & travel bookings or policy, contract or subscription start date) but in some cases it can take longer and is subject to the Store's Terms & Conditions.

Important Information:

Enable your Internet browser cookies to be sure your miles are awarded to your Account.

Cookies are used to track your path from MileagePlus Shopping to the merchant’s website and enable us to allocate the miles you’ll earn from your purchase to your account. For more information on cookies click here.